Ritual Art

Art arises from humanity history as a bridge to understand Life, uniting the spheres of daily Life, the body, the psyche, emotions and spirituality. Art, Healing, Life and Spirituality coexist in the same action, enabling us to understand that as below, so above, as within, so around. Our inner development supports collective evolution, our healing heals our relations and the Earth  by changing our choices and behaviours. This ancestral notion is inspiring and maybe nowadays more urgent and necessary than ever before. We need to recover, with humility, perseverance and honesty the true archetypes that will guide us as they offer a sense of purpose, presence, integrity.  So that we may, thoughout our path in Life, repair balance, truth, connection and become life care givers instead of consumers.

The Wild Way

Body, Symbolism, Creativity and Ritual
Sexuality, fertility, birth, healing, death and mysticism (initiation)
In the south European and celtic-iberian shamanic traditions

With Íris Garcia and Lila Nuit

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Earth Body

This is a 4 day long intensive training, the first part of a three week program. It can be done in sequence with the following two weeks or taken independently. We will work in depth with eco-somatic movement and ritual trance dances, both in wild Nature as well as within the circle space.
With Íris Garcia
Guest teacher Baltazar Molina

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Ceremonial and Ritual Dance Training
@ Glastonbury Goddess Temple, UK

Conscious movement and embodiment the Divine wild Dance

This week we will explore free dance, mindful movement, altered states of consciousness through movement, trance states, ecstasy, transpersonal dance.


Taster weekend – 27th to 28th April 2020
Becoming Green: dancing with the thriving resilience of the smallest seed1 to 7 June 2020
Becoming Ground: dancing with the fertile shadows and the dust of bones21 to 27 September 2020

@ Glastonbury Goddess Temple, UK

Wild Medicine Dance is a training for those wishing to develop their connection with the Body, Mind, Heart, Soul, Earth and all beings. We will work with dance, movement, barefoot walking, vision, creativity, deep ecology, myth re-writing, Earth and Women’s cyclicity, magical and medicinal herbalism, psycho-magic, the wheel of Medicine and circle wisdom.

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