Individual sessions where we will work with embodiment, emotions, memory and felt sense. Re-establishing our essential bio-dynamic relation with Earth, re-signifying our personal and familiar history and re-negotiating trauma.
Individual sessions where we will work with embodiment, emotions, memory and felt sense. Re-establishing our essential bio-dynamic relation with Earth, re-signifying our personal and familiar history and re-negotiating trauma.
☽ Weekly or Biweekly sessions
In these weekly sessions we will work with our body’s sensitive anatomy, in order to promote self-regulation of the nervous system and amplify our state of integrity, which translates into health and presence.It is a guided practise, yet filled with space for each one to feel how each invitation is accepted or not by the body at each moment.
In some native tribes the 13 years cycles are revered as being times that signal fluxes and specific journeys in each human being path of Life. Adulthood is reached at 52 years old and until then we are gathering experiences that time will transform into wisdom.
The body stores memory, implicit (non-verbal) or explicit (verbal). This memory shapes our perception of reality. Through a very careful work of body consciousness we return the body to it’s original integrity, allowing us to feel more at ease, confident and present. Gradually, we increase our inner resources, release trauma and conditioning through natural movement expression and new possibilities of being, feeling and sensing arise. This is an important work to re-negotiate trauma and cultivate resilience.
We carry within our bodies living tapestry the untold stories, the silence, the experiences of those who came before us and gifted us a legacy of structure, no matter how whole or how broken.
This structure needs to be recognized, seen: like a map that we look at and, with clarity, we begin to understand and envision which is our own path and which rodas would lead to getting lost. To explore one’s own familiar lineage and emotional heritage though embodied movement allows us discernment as well as choice
The Nettle’s Heart
On Earth, Body and Medicine : eco-philosophy, Earth spirituality, herbalism, eco-somatic bodywork, art and therapy.